Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Tis the Season

In light of the "Holiday season" I would just like to express my extreme gratitude for all my many blessings. I have been jobless for two weeks now, and am going to start another insurance job in the beginning of December. I am extremely grateful to this employer, as he was willing to overlook some apparent accusations and turn them into a strong point for both of us.
I am also grateful to my previous employers. I have worked for some really rough companies, taken a lot of beatings, and yet, this company is still not my worst yet to work for. I had really learned quite a bit from them, not all good things, but still. I am grateful for they work they gave me when my family needed the income.

I am so grateful for my amazing family. My husband is my one true love, and is so good to me. We have our fights, our "bumps in the road", and our varying opinions. But one thing is certain, we love and care for each other every day. I sincerely love my little boy so much! He totally rocks my world! The things he does and says is so cute! I wish i could record every moment.
 I am grateful for my extended family. Though we are spread out, there is no cease to the outpouring of love we constantly receive. Whether it be from the Gottemoeller's, Ringel's, or Bell's, we sincerely appreciate all the love we receive and hope you feel ours as much as we feel yours.

I am grateful for my Savior. Without him, i would be truly lost. I know I make mistakes all the time, and I am extremely grateful for the opportunity he has given me. I hope I can show my children, future ones included, how truly wondrous and great his sacrifice for us was.

I know this are just a few of my many many blessings, but these are the ones that are weighing the heaviest on my mind tonight. Goodnight, and God Bless!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Insurance Test, bullying, and chatty Spencer

Well, after studying for three months, and multiple practice quizzes, I finally took and passed the state insurance exam. The next step in this process is to apply for a license and pay my state fees. I am pretty excited to have this milemarker done! Hopefully if we end up moving again, I won't be out of a job for nearly as long!

In the recent months since starting my new job, I have come to realize that I am a victim of workplace bullying. I have been constantly tripped up, and put down by one person consistantly, but I tend to believe that it isn't just one. I have heard from another co-worker that they consider this "a right of passage" and that it has happened to multiple people. This suggests that something needs to be said to the manager, however, I am concerned about what it will solve. I am certainly afraid that if it is me who steps up and says something, that it will only get worse instead of better. I do believe action needs to be taken, but I have a hard time being the "rat". I am tempted to just quit and go somewhere where the environment is less hostile, but that really wouldn't stop them from doing it to the next person. I am afraid that if i do come forward with this issue that the others will try to prove me wrong, and turn me into the bad guy. I will think over this some more, and see what action I can take.

Spencer got to play with his cousins alot last week, and in turn has picked up on so many more words. We can almost hold a conversation. He can tell me when he is hungry, wants a drink and also when he wants a bottle. (I know the bottle must disappear soon, but I have no idea how to go about doing so). Spencer can even say some of his cousins names! He has started to want to use silverware more, and can almost feed himself yogurt! Where oh where did my baby go?!?

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Young, The Old, and the Workaholics

Well, After the last post our life became quite a bit more busy. I went in for a lot of interviews and finally got a job at Maverik in Ririe as a Baker. Now, for those who don’t know, Maverik is open 24/7-365. Which meant that I could be getting up at 4 am to go to work, or I may be there until 2am. Needless to say, I didn’t stop looking for a better/higher paying job. I eventually found one at an Insurance Company in Idaho Falls. I work there about 22 hours a week and also have another job as a marketing assistant, that gives me an additional 10-15 hours of work, depending on the need.
Spencer has adjusted really well to his mom working no hours to nearly full time. We found an awesome in-home daycare not to far away from his house, and Spencer loves it. He doesn’t need to compete for attention often, and is pretty willing to go there in the mornings.
Our little boy is finally tall enough and old enough he has started “THE CLIMB”, which is anything he can find to climb on, oh he will! I have found him pulling things off of our stove top (thank goodness none of it was hot!) thanks to the handle of the stove drawer. He climbs on the table, whether the chairs are pushed in or not. In and out of the dryer, whether I am switching over the laundry or not! And even climbs in the toilet! (this only happened once, and we are lucky the socks didn’t get flushed down with how many times he hit the handle, and they stretched!). Quite a busy boy that one!
Spencer has also started to talk so much more now! He says “Nah-No”, “huh-ho (Uh-oh)”, ”“What’s-it?”, “Go-go?”, Banana, “Cankoo (Thank-you)”, “Grampa”, and “Ma-maw (Grandma) plus mama and dada. I have managed one “eese (please)” out of him. But most of the time he won’t say it, even when I ask.
Today, it is Adam’s Birthday and he got to start his soils class he signed up for this semester. He got a pretty good start on it, I think!
Adam’s jeep broke down this week and last and now we are carpooling to work, which is good, but also kind of difficult on the days I don’t work!
Soon I plan to take the State Insurance exam. If I pass I can legally sell insurance! Which will seriously increase my paycheck. But I still have a lot of studying to do between now and then. I am hoping to have it done by Valentines Day.
Speaking of studying...I should go do that! Later!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Interviews, teething, and more or less

Well, this week has been rather uneventful. However, we have had to add more too small clothes for Spencer into a box. Seems like we just started 12 month clothes and his pjs are starting to have zipper blow outs.  I had a few interviews last week and have a few more this coming week. I am sincerely hoping that I can find something soon. We have been so thankful for our family this week. Their support has been so amazing! Adam is gearing up for the hunting season as his group hunt with my brother opens tomorrow. With all the wildlife activity this year, he will definitely pack his bear spray (more for me than him). Spencer has been a little cranky lately, we think due to his teeth. He has the teeth-bumps for molars and also I-teeth. Well, as we prepare for the holiday season, we are soon to post a shopping list for the needs of our family on here ( mostly for spencer). This year we are trying to focus on useful gifts rather that wants (that means chocolate chip cookies for Adam probably won't make the list, but will still be gratefully accepted.) Also, soon to come is some recent photos for your enjoyment. Until next time!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Blog Status- Up and Running

Wow, I put off this whole blogging thing a long time thinking, "It's going to be like that myspace I wasted so much time in creating, and never use." Yep, it's not. So this is my first official post on my blog. My son is days away from being 14 months old. I am currently a stay at home mom, (there is no better job than that). Adam is enjoying his new job. And we nearly have unpacked all our boxes. A few things I have learned about moving: having a moving company move me=AHappyHeather, it is stressful on everyone, and moving food sucks. However, I am settling in nicely, and even have pictures on the walls. Well, Spencer just got up so it's time for the computer to be put away. 
End of first post